GLAUCOMA :Types,Its Causes And Natural Treatments For It's Cure.

by - July 29, 2017

 GLAUCOMA :Types,Its Causes And Natural Treatments For It's Cure.

Glaucoma over the years has become one of the most predominant and mostly suffered eye disease in the world. This eye disease is caused by an increase in fluid pressure inside the eyes.

If you suffer this,then this post is definitely for you,so keep reading!. If you don't,still keep on reading,because this post will show you some secret preventive measures that you can use to prevent your self from having Glaucoma disease in the long run.

 This Article Is Going To Talk About:

1. Basic Facts About Glaucoma.

2. Signs and symptoms of Glaucoma.

3. Causes of Glaucoma.

4. Types of Glaucoma.

5. Treatments of Glaucoma.

6. Preventive measures to take.

7. Dietary Advice on Glaucoma.

Basic Facts About Glaucoma.

Glaucoma-over the years and after several researches has shown little or no progress. What this means is that a lot of things has been linked with the causes of glaucoma. 

The exact predisposing factor or reason behind this eye disease has not yet been uncovered. But what has been studied shows that this Glaucoma disease causes an increase in the blood pressure in the eyes. This built-up pressure in the eyes is called- intraocular pressure.

The persistence of this intraocular pressure in the eyes causes blindness in the long run. In some people blindness occurs within 2-3 years of disease.

The intraocular pressure in the eyes damages the optic nerves which transmits impulses to the brain. When there is an obstruction in the transmission of impulses from the optic nerve to the brain then it leads to vision loss. Therefore medical treatments are essential to prevent permanent loss of vision. 

Signs And Symptoms Of Glaucoma.

Except in severe stages of disease,Glaucoma disease are usually asymptomatic[ showing no symptoms. But when they move on to more severe cases then there are a few signs which can be helpful in diagnosis they include:

  • Redness of eyes
  • Eye pain.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Headaches.
  • Eye discharge
  • short sightedness.
  • Difficulty in identifying certain objects.

Now that we have looked at the basic facts of glaucoma and their signs and symptoms lets find out  the causes of Glaucoma. 

Causes of Glaucoma

Glaucoma's has been divided into two categories based on their causes namely:

Primary Glaucoma: this glaucoma occurs in a person for the first time. Most times in these cases the causes are unknown.

Secondary Glaucoma: this glaucoma disease manifests in a person due to a primary illness or a known cause. example tumors or cataracts.

Some other contributing factor to this disease in people are:
  • Age.
  • Poor Diet or nutrition.
  • Race or ethnic background
  • Environment.
  • Occupation type.
  • Genetic factor.
  • Congenital defects.
  • Tumors.
  • Eye injuries.
  • Certain eye surgeries.
  • Secondary infections like diabetes and hypothyroidism.
  • Blood pressure.

Types of glaucoma.

Glaucoma four different kinds of glaucoma but only two are of more significance.

Open-angle Glaucoma[acute-angle closure glaucoma]: 

Its also called the wide-angle glaucoma,there are usually symptomatic in the late-early stage of the disease. 

The sufferer feels lots of pain and discomfort because the drain structure in the eyes appears normal,but yet accumulates fluid within its tubular framework. This causes an increase in the pressure in the eyes. 

Closed-angle Glaucoma[chronic glaucoma]: 

This type of glaucoma shows no symptoms and remain asymptomatic until enough damage has been done to the eyes. They progress very slowly and may receive medical attention almost when nothing can be done to restore the vision.

In this case the eye fluid is unable to drain out properly because of the narrowing of the lens and cornea angle. Then it leads to a sudden and uncontrollable buildup of pressure which causes more than enough harm to the eyes.

Pigmentary Glaucoma.

This is a type of typically arises from an uneven distribution of pigmented cells in the eyes. when this cells obstruct the eye-fluid drainage they cause a build up of pressure within the eyes. They happen at mostly adolescent age.

Low-Tension Glaucoma.

This rare form of glaucoma,and their actual causes are not none yet. In this case, the fluid drainage system within the eyes are functional,the pressure within the eyes appear normal but there is an increasing damage in the optic nerves in the eyes.

Treatments of Glaucoma.

There are various treatments but the most commonest of them all are :

Eye-Drop Treatments For Glaucoma.

The commonest treatments used for majority of the glaucoma cases are the eye-drop treatments. Although they come with some adverse effects in some people like: redness,itching,change in eye color, and some times uncontrollable eye twitching.

However this symptoms dont happen to all,but the eye drops are mostly advised to be carefully in prescribed drops advised by the doctor.

Various kinds of eye drops can be used some of them are:

1. Beta blockers.

2. Alpha antagonists.

3. Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors [CAIs].

4. Prostaglandins Analogs.

5. Cholinergic Agents.

Surgery Treatments For Glaucoma 

Surgery treatments can be considered as a second option. For example:

Trabeculoplasty: In this surgery a laser is used to unblock drainage canals that has been blocked,to allow fluid trapped inside the eyes to drain out. 

Viscocanalostomy: This surgery is carried out when the laser treatments failed to show any improvements. In this surgery an artificial drainage channels are created to improve drainage of eye fluid out of the eyes.

Aqueous Shunt Implant: When all methods proves abortive this treatment method is used. Here a small silicon tube is surgically placed in the eyes so that accumulated fluids are drained out of the eyes.

Natural Treatments For Glaucoma.

There are probably dozens of natural treatments all over the Internets that lots of nutritionist recommend for their readers. But i strongly want to recommend one very good natural remedies you should definitely try if you have got glaucoma.

Well i have looked up to this man for a long long time and His natural essential oil has worked tremendously! in the treatments of glaucoma. i recommended a patient i had once to try his frankincense oil and i was amazed by the improvements i got. 

Preventive Measure Of Glaucoma.

The greatest preventive measures to take is to go for a regular medical eye checkup.
This can be done at least once a year for elderly people above the age of 40-65 and for those above 65 years checkups should be done at least twice in 6 months. The early diagnosis and detection of glaucoma is the best preventive measures that can be taken.

Secondly for those who suffer from diabetes and thyroidism whether it's hyper-thyriodism or hypo-thyriodism. Its better to start out by doing some weight loss exercise and try out some basic exercises that facilitates blood circulation and fluid drainage.

Dietary Advice For Glaucoma.

Well as a great fan of food and it's medicinal benefits,it would be a loss to wrap this up without giving you some natural and effective dietary measures to take for quick results in case of glaucoma. 

Antioxidants are responsible for the protection of the eyes. There are essential vitamins including C,A,E that play a major role in protecting the eyes and help fight cancers also they include:


  • Vegetable oils
  • Sea foods
  • Nuts 
  • Avocados.
  • Green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin C

  • Tomatoes
  • Berries
  • Cauliflowers.
  • Broccoli
  • citrus fruits.
Vitamin A
  • Apricots
  • Whole milk.
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Mustard seeds.
  • Grape fruits.
  • Papaya.
  • Carrot.
  • Liver. 
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